On Friday, April 28, the 8th organization of the weekly educational program “Building an Inclusive School for all” was successfully completed. The European organization EASPD and AMIMONI were responsible for its organization.
Over the course of a week, professionals of the field from Greece, Europe and the United States got to know the theoretical framework and new tools aimed at developing and promoting inclusive education. The participants had the opportunity to get to know the theoretical framework and new tools for inclusive education in a direct and interactive way. They participated in discussion groups, educational visits and thematic workshops with the aim of discovering together with their colleagues, at an international level, the way to move towards inclusive education, the way to design a “School for All”.
Amimoni gladly welcomed the participants to its facilities in Elliniko on Thursday, April 27, while at the same time our training program was presented as well the European Programs Burnout ECI Project and Stories4all.
We thank EASPD and Rachel Vaughan for co-organizing this project, presenters Annemie Jennes (VSKO, Belgium), Marleen Clissen (VSKO, Belgium), Wolfgang Plaute (Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Austria), Jezerka Beškovnik (University of Primorska, Faculty of Education) and Andreja Klančar (University of Primorska, Faculty of Education), for the educational experience and the participants for their interest and enthusiasm.