polichni@amimoni.gr, +30 2106855510, +30 6936550016, Navarinou 24 15232, Chalandri

The Polichni Guesthouse is the only Educational Program in Semi-Autonomous Living in Greece, for people with visual impairments and additional disabilities.
The goal of the Program is to improve the quality of life of the beneficiaries and their families.
- Beneficiaries adapt to conditions outside the family home, are involved in different experiences through group coexistence, improve their social behavior and communication skills.
- Parents take advantage of this time by providing the necessary care to themselves and other family members
It has been operating since 1996, is located in Chalandri and hosts up to 5 beneficiaries per week.
Services and Operation
The program at the Polichni Guest House starts every Friday at 15:00 and ends on Monday at 7:00. Each week’s trainees are selected based on their particular needs and abilities, such as age, communication skills, functional level and the needs of their families. The aim is to form a group as homogeneous as possible and to carry out activities that meet the capabilities of all trainees.
In order to achieve the agreed objectives, methods and approaches that strengthen these capabilities are used on a case-by-case basis, such as:
- alternative forms of communication
- Braille writing system
- mobility and orientation training, tailored to the individual needs of each trainee.
Over the course of the program’s years of operation, the trainees and their families improved their quality of life. The trainees were tested and adapted to conditions outside the family home, experienced different experiences through group coexistence, improved their social behavior as well as their communication skills, and parents had the opportunity to invest valuable time in strengthening the bonds between family members having the certainty that their disabled child is in a safe and stimulating environment.
Human resources
Scientific staff
- Scientific Officer – Psychologist
- Educational Team (psychologists, social workers, special educators)
Auxiliary staff
- Driver
- Cleaning staff
- Cook