Workshop Story Making and Reading For All for parents and teachers of people with visual impairments
On Saturday the 1st of April, parents and teachers of children with visual impairements, with the guidance of e-Nable Greece, MICROKOSMOS and Amimoni, will explore alternative learning paths that focus on the promotion of creativity and digital skills as well as the social inclusion of visually impaired students.
The workshop will take place on Saturday April 1st, 10.00 – 13.00, at the facilities of the IRIDA Day Center in Elliniko.
Register by March 30th here.
We would like to inform you that applications will be prioritized.
The Story Making and Reading for ALL (Stories4ALL) project, 2021-1-EL01-KA210-SCH-000031465, KA210/ Small-Scale Partnerships-School Education Sector, Erasmus+2021 is a partnership of e-Nable Greece, MICROKOSMOS and AMIMONI and its ultimate goal is the promotion of creativity and the development of digital skills of teachers with the final recipient being the visually impaired student and the entire educational community.