What is art? Which is the target audience? How can it be made accessible to everyone? What is its relationship with the Greek sea and travel?
In an interactive way and utilizing all the senses, the educational program “Touch the art, listen to the sea”: The work of Konstantinos Volanakis for people with vision problems and other disabilities, tries to answer the above questions and becomes the key to understanding and decoding of the art of painting, while it is one of the first fully accessible programs for Modern Greek Art that is also addressed to the disabled.
The program is a collaboration between of Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation and Amimoni.
The figurative narration of a fairy tale based on the life of Konstantinos Volanakis, becomes the basic tool for decoding classical painting in a simple way.
At the same time, the artist’s two paintings, which are also 3D printed in the form of a special sign, helping the disabled groups to discover them in the most tangible way, are framed by:
- real objects from the painter’s studio, which help to understand painting (brushes, canvases), but also maritime objects (ships, boats)
- multisensory activities with sea sounds and natural materials (sand, pebbles, shells, etc.)
- interactive activities (postcards with word games, puzzles, with paintings by the artist)
At the end of the educational program, the children become artists themselves and visually capture their own seascape, realistic or poetic, just like Volanakis himself, with the help of different materials.
The educational program is aimed to people with disabilities from 12 years of age and their teacher, while it can serve 10 to 15 people.
Its duration is 60′ to 75′ depending on the dynamics of the group.
The program will be implemented at the facilities of the Laskaridis Foundation and Amimoni, on specific dates and is free for those interested.
Organizations interested in booking places for their beneficiaries can contact Ms. Christiana Zotou at tel. 2168080073.