The workshop for the families and teachers of visually impaired people of the European STORIES4ALL program was successfully implemented on the first weekend of April at the IRIS Day Center.
Parents, siblings and professionals learned the basics of storytelling and browsed tools for developing stories for people with visual impairments while learning how to use basic digital tools to transform a digital story into a tactile one with 3d printing technology.
Thanks to the participants for the enthusiasm and to the presenters for the interactive presentation!
The Story Making and Reading for ALL (Stories4ALL) project, 2021-1-EL01-KA210-SCH-000031465, KA210/ Small-Scale Partnerships-School Education Sector, Erasmus+2021 is a partnership of e-Nable Greece, MICROKOSMOS and AMIMONI and its ultimate goal is the promotion of creativity and the development of digital skills of teachers with the final recipient being the visually impaired student and the entire educational community.